Sunday, 30 November 2014

Beautiful Maxi Dress Styles to try this Christmas

Christmas is a beautiful season to celebrate the joys and blessings with your lovely friends and family members. The happiness is incomplete without some predominant features in fact compulsions like Christmas foods, gifts, travelling to beautiful destinations and yes most importantly charming dresses which can make your personality attractive and dashing. So today I would like to present some unique ideas to glow your Christmas and personality as well.
Do not worry the ideas aren't you’re out of reach. I just said because previously the girls and ladies of all ages become worried and frustrated because they do not have enough means to enjoy and wear beautiful dresses on Christmas. At that time people were not able to enjoy financial aids, but now it’s quite possible because you have a fabulous option to apply for online payday loans and this is accessible for everyone. So girls just listen up my ideas of wearing beautiful maxis this Christmas and look stunning than your friends and neighbors.

Long sleeves Maxi: Comfortable for colder months!
There are some maxi dresses you will be definitely familiar with, are small sleeves and only suitable for summer and spring season. But now, you can select even more comfortable maxis with full sleeves. These are specifically designed for winter season. And especially when the season is Christmas, then you will find loads of maxi dress styles with long and short sleeves. You can choose different colors in those designs and can enjoy some extra comfort & warmth.

Double Slit Maxi: Show off your little skin!
 Maxis designed for winter season are probably created with some heavy stuff and usually with sleeves. These are just designed to make your body warmer and provide full comfort in winter season too. But it doesn't mean these fully covered maxis aren't sexy enough to make your looks inspiring. Double slit maxis are actually allowing you to show off your little body from legs without compromising the large areas exposed to cold. So double slit maxi will show you body a bit from legs side you will look exotic.

Mermaid Fun..!!
Who said mermaid style maxis aren't common in winter? In fact this is a beautiful dress of some bold & extrovert girls. Actually these maxis are specifically designed in winters because there style is something unique over others, like they have a flowy mermaid tail at the bottom, and form fitting top which uniquely shows the curves and gives extraordinary looks. This style is little expensive than others but now people easily manage to do so, just because they can easily avail the opportunity to take short term loan for making their Christmas glorious and to enjoy lots of fun. So be bold and enjoy wearing the beautiful style maxi with easy cash option :)

Be bolder and try Cut out style maxis..!

If you are not satisfied with double slits, then you may choose the option to wear a maxi with different cut outs. Two or three piece cut out style are not harder to buy, they are easily available everywhere, and considered one of the most stylish designs in maxis. You can choose maxis with side cuts, or choose side cuts with a small cut at the chest and two at the shoulders. In this way you will look more than stylish and extraordinary and you can feel still warmer in warm and heavy clothing stuff. 

Thursday, 27 November 2014

How I managed time & money after being self employed

Developing a smooth and effecting work plan for your flourishing business is definitely a hectic job. And after making it, following that plan is another daunting task. My everyday tasks were getting difficult to manage due to lack of time & money because I was flourishing the business in different areas which really needs full concentration but some daily scattered messes were not allowing me to do this efficiently. So I considered developing a responsible time management plan, because sometimes you also have to deal with some uncertain incidents which also create a big interruption in your ongoing management plan.
But now it’s time to breath and deciding an efficient management plan for my future.

Spend some time on social media marketing:
Social media marketing is definitely a great platform which allows you to recognize yourself in the world. But don’t spend too much time on posting, commenting and checking news feed. In this way you will waste half of your time in stupid tasks. As I am an early rise so I wake up every morning at 7 am, then I start posting valuable features on Face book, twitter, instagram and YouTube. Then after an hour I log off and check news feed again just after going home at 5 pm. In this you can connect yourself daily with your fans and clients.

Financial planning is one of the major daunting tasks:
We can make efficient time management plans and manage to follow them somehow, but it’s very difficult to make financial plans especially when you have so many areas to look and adjust. My friends and colleagues advise me to take small business loans sometimes so that I can efficiently manage the expenses. But I know these are more expensive than my imagination. So I prefer to take short term loan from loans knight when my conditions get really tough and impossible to manage. Actually they are providing the privilege to repay them with low interest rates and whenever I receive my next paycheck. This is definitely a worth beneficial opportunity because they take no time to approve and you find your desired amount in your account within minutes.

Multitasking may be unproductive for you:
I must say that sometimes being a multi-tasked can be very unproductive for you because when strict deadlines loom over my head then I feel so frustrated and can’t concentrate properly. If you really want to gain sense of accomplishment then deal one task efficiently on daily basis. And when you think that now you are efficient enough to deal many tasks at one time then you should go for two, and three. Don’t delay any of your important tasks because it just creates anxiety and frustration.

Avoid over-confidence and divide roles & responsibilities:
You know the mindset of a business man is always different. He thinks he is the best and most efficient person of the organization and no one can perform in better ways except him. This mindset really needs to change. He can save enormous time by stop being over confident and dividing roles and responsibilities to the efficient workers. Allow workers to deal with clients, order products, and you just execute the things. You can efficiently manage your time by accepting the roles & responsibilities of your workers and let them do whatever they want for the progress of company.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Welcome your guests with appealing doors on beautiful Christmas :)

I have generally observed that many people forget to decorate their outside doors on festive occasion of Christmas; hence they decorate every corner of room with spectacular ornaments but usually put least efforts on welcoming zone. So today I came up with lots of wonderful ideas which can definitely put a great makeover for your doors on this beautiful and colorful occasion.

 Do you love red roses? Just try it…
Off course, in fact everyone loves them. So why not to decorate the door with bunch of red roses packed with beautiful ornaments? It’s not so difficult just take glue dried red roses and mix them up with some white dried roses, now shape them into a wreath form. If you want more dramatic effects then you can add little ball ornaments and artificial bay leaves. You can also add fresh roses for more enhancements.

Try something more creative:
Creativity is an art which isn't gifted to everyone. But you can make yourself little creative by putting least efforts. Just take some colorful tissue papers, and circle them in form of fans, stick the fans with glue. After forming enough circles stick them with glue and shape them into Styrofoam wreath, and after that you can decorate them with faux pearl. This looks wonderful.

Sugar coated wreath for sweet Christmas:
Christmas is one of the sweetest occasions on the universe, so what if we make it sweeter by adding little tastes of fruits? Yes, I am talking about sugar coated fruits wreath. It’s not as hard as you are thinking. But yes it takes more time and money, but I think you should not worry about that because you have a fabulous option to avail instant payday loans through a simple online application form so you do not need to worry about cash as it this matter is solved easily. You just put concentration on making sweet decorations. So just buy some artificial fruits (pears, orange, apple, grapes, and lemons) from the market. Roll them up in tacky glues which are quite common in market now. Then roll them with Epsom salts and after that with white iridescent glitters, after that leave them to dry up completely. Then wrap them up with green ribbons. This can make your door extraordinary and appealing even than your neighbors.

Apply red berries for fruitful effects:
People use red berries for adorning their rooms which definitely put fruitful and lively effects on mind. Now you have to cut some larger and smaller branches of red berries. You can use green florist wire, first attach larger branches to 16 inches wire and overlap them over one another. Then you can add small branches to make a bunch until it looks full and complete. If you feel that wiring is becoming difficult you can add glue guns to stick them properly.

Be bold & smart:

Applying bright color decorations is a sign of great excitement and happiness. So on this Christmas, behave smartly and boldly by applying some colorful ornamental balls on door wreaths. Take colorful balls which are probably useful for Christmas tree decoration. Select different colors and sizes. And wire them up with floral wires. This can add some bright and colorful effects and can look more cherishing than other decorations. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Why I dropped out from my university after 2 months?

The dream of becoming a graduate was the biggest dream I ever had. It was a quite good experience of joining university, meeting with new friends and to teach by diligent professors. But that remarkable dream was quite short. I had to leave the university just after 2 months.  I managed to pay admission fee initially, but after that my parents were not able to pay my fee successfully, I was a jobless person so could not apply for any kind of loan or help, no one can ever take risks to helping a poor jobless person. So quite hopelessly I decided to leave the university.

Entrance to hard paths:
After some time, I met my best friend loaded with full frustration. He was also financially unstable and was thinking to start some business. But it requires money and we both are jobless persons. So first of all we thought to find full and part time jobs for saving some money. Then we thought to start some online businesses at home with saved amount. That was our first step to the road of success.

 A light of hope:
I worked with full diligence because I was planning to again starting my education. But it needs time; I could not collect enough money to survive and to educate myself. So my friend proposed a bright idea to take instant loans from loan knight who are efficient enough to support financially. Now we were employed so we can easily afford loans from £100-£1000. We took the loan for starting our own business. That was easy going money and I can repay them whenever I next get paid.

Encouraging growth of small scale business:
Finally I have started a small scale home based business with the collaboration of my friend. We started the buying and selling of online products, that was quite interesting for us. We promoted our business internationally through face book, twitter, instagram and many other social Medias. First we faced some losses due to in expertise, but gradually we stepped up towards greater profitability that was quite encouraging for us and boosted our energy levels. Then after few months we are able to hire staff of 10 persons. That resulted more popularity and fame.

Is that sufficient for me?
After getting great success in my business, I wanted to flourish it internationally. By utilizing more time and customer engagement I expanded the business greatly. I was very close to my destination. I wanted to start my education again, even I started. But continuous emails from clients and demands from contractors made me careless towards the studies and I could not continue it successfully. So once again I left out the university exactly after two months of tough schedule. First time I left out the university because I was unable to pay fee. And second time I left out due to my tough financial schedule. How fastly time changes..!!

My advises to young entrepreneurs:
It’s almost a same story of every youngster. So I would like to guide them to achieve great success in future.
·        Be patient and don’t afraid to work for long hours
·        If you are financially unstable, explore help sources like finding opportunities to get short term loans for easy survival.
·        Be open for advises and accept opinions
·        Accept challenges
·        Don’t give up
I hope my motivational story and tips will definitely stimulate you to work harder and harder..!

Monday, 24 November 2014

What are some fastest ways to fulfill a need of £1000?

No doubt that the economy we are living in going down day by day. And it needs to be improving immediately. Things of daily use are getting more costly and our wages are going down tremendously. Our single source of income isn't good enough to fulfill all the basic necessities of life.
What should we do to overcome that situation? Can we depend to our family or friends? Or can we demand for advance salary? But do you think these are the final solutions to your problem? What can you do to overcome the emergency situations? The answers are very simple; you can consider the easy option to get quick cash loans from efficient services. No matter if you are a bad credited person, these services are still there to grant your loan. But if you want to take some higher loans like mortgage or business loans then you need to maintain a good credit history.
Here are some other options you can consider to fulfill your needs:

Family & Peers:
Your loving family and helpful peers come first in your mind whenever you find yourself in great trouble. If you are fortunate enough if your family and friends are supportive and can help you to cover up all situations. And I think these are the best sources through which you can easily take help and will never demand you to return quickly.

Ask for company loans:
If you are working in a large organization then it must has a credit union. You can take help from your company; they will demand you to return it back whenever you will get pay check. You can direct loans from your company, or you can request to have paycheck in advance.

Acquaint yourself with efficient lending industry:
Here I would like to suggest you to acquaint yourself with some efficient and reliable lending industry. Actually these private lending industries never indulge you in complex applying procedures. If you will apply for short term loan online they will first investigate your provided info, then they will grant your loan of £1000 within seconds. This is the easiest method to get your needs fulfilled.

Try pawning:
This isn't such advisable practice indeed. Actually when you are in great need, you can pawn your valued item by going to any pawn shop. They will first recognize the value of item then according to the value, they will provide you the loan. And if you can’t manage to repay the amount in scheduled time then they will sale out your valued item and you might lose it forever.

Personal loans:
Personal loans are often unsecured loans in which you are not required to put some collateral to get money. You can take as high amount as you want. But these are quite expensive and you have to repay it with high added interest.
The above mentioned ways are quite popular to get £1000 within minutes, but the most fastest and reliable method is to get payday loans from reputed lending industry which is authorized and less expensive too.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Explore Easy ways to Find right Finance for Home Renovation

Nowadays there is a burning question in UK homeowners mind that ‘do I need to renovate or relocate’? So if you think you are one of them, then this article may prove helpful for you in realizing that selling your current place and buying new one can cost you high expenditures and may be you feel outweigh to cover the other challenges of life. So I would suggest you to shift your mind and just think about the renovation because:
·        It adds value and create flavors to your current place
·        It could be the result of your highly improved standard
·        You can change the entire setting whenever you want.
·        It takes little expenditures

Which financial aid should I choose?
Now definitely you are thinking about the major problem standing in front of your dream home. And that problem is finance management. If you are thinking to owe money from friends or relatives then I would suggest you to give up that idea because you will involve yourself in irritating situation where you have to answer the most frequent question that ‘when you will repay the amount’?
There are certain kinds of loans provided by loan industries; you can choose whatever suits your income:

Ø Instant loans: instant loans are way better option than other options you have in your mind. Actually most of the UK residents are relying on this option now because it takes no extra charges and least interest. You have to choose short term loans from a reliable source because they demand the repayment when you will next get paid. It is quite better choice because you just have to renovate the place and it only needs £100-£1000 amount maximum.

Ø Personal loans: personal loan is also a good option only if you have to do some minor renovations. For this, you don’t need to have any equity in your home. But the one negative point about that loan is you will have to pay higher interest rate than other loan options.

Ø Construction loan: this might be a good option if you are going to construct your home or buying a very huge area. This is probably used to cover up some large scale renovations. And isn't suitable for you if you have a small or medium place. Then you should not consider it because it would be very expensive for you.

Seek advice from highly professional lenders:
If you are thinking to renovate your home without physical and mental strain then I would suggest you to seek advice from some highly professional lenders because they are expert enough to guide you properly and help you to explore some easy ways. You can browse such professional people on internet and it will help you to borrow from payday loan lenders which are quite expert and definitely provide honest cooperation.  You can also take advice from finance brokers but these difficult to find. One more thing is quite important that you should be very clear about your future plans.

Good planning and good advisers can take you to your luxurious destination and bad planning and planners can involve you in vulnerable situation. So be aware..!

Friday, 21 November 2014

4 tell-tale signs to start your own business

Confucius famous saying says that ‘finding the job that you like, then you will never have to work in life again’. Fortunately most of the people experience the same thing in life. But I am not fortunate enough to experience the same thing. I am a person of quality assurance and the job I got was the telesales representative which was totally out of my interest. Well, I was obliged to do it until I find a suitable one. This was a biggest sign indeed that was forcing me to start my own work. But still I worked with patience, and then afterwards I got some other signs that truly awakened me and enabled me to think about it more seriously.

1.   Are you dragging yourself towards unchallenged work?
If you are experiencing the situation where you are forced to work in unrealistic and uninteresting environment and your employers are quite aggressive and overwhelming then this is definitely a big unchallenged perspective. One more favor you can do to yourself to request your employers about making the place and environment better. But still if it’s working, then you feel uninspired greatly. However, if you are doing excellent work, then you think to make it more extra ordinary by totally depending on yourself.

2.   If you are empty handed at month end:
Certain people are facing the situation in which they totally get empty handed at month end and find no other source for meeting the requirements. This is definitely quite embarrassing to ask money from relatives or friends. And at the end you thought to beg for advance salary from your employers. But there is a way to handle this irritating thing. And the way is to get payday loan from loans knight that will allow you to take loan whether you are good or bad credited person. And you can return them back whenever you will next get paid. This situation often enables you to start your own business because most of the times people unaware about those opportunities.

3.   If you have flair of distinctive ideas:
If you are gifted with flair of unique surprising ideas that are good enough to boost up your income then you should definitely use the aspect and start your own work. Moreover it is very helpful for your employers too because you are the person who knows about successful and unsuccessful business ventures. And you can make your money in your home by using this talent.

4.   Creative aptitude:

One more thing which can differentiate you from other business ventures is your creative aptitude towards work. Some people have extremely creative mind that always generate quick ideas and always show creativity in their work. These kind of talented people are actually the gift of God. And luckily if you are that person then I would suggest you to use your creativity today. Even if you are creative enough to make some home made products than you can simply popularize yourself on social media. In this way, you can get popularity and money both at same times. This creative aptitude arouses people to start their business from different angles. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

5 money mistakes should strictly avoid for being wealthy

Have you ever generalized the difference between ‘being rich and having wealth’? Last night I was studying a book regarding financial planning. I came across many different stories but one seems quite inspiring. The title was ‘get rich quickly’. That was surprising and interesting too. Well, I continued to read and found some shocking truths that I have never think before. I would like to share the summary of that story that was pointing out those mistakes which create big hindrance on the way to being wealthy. I know its little sound crazy but I also know you never pay disrespect to your money and always intend to multiply it.

1.   Seek for freedom, not for comfort:
Now you are must wondering that why I am asking to avoid comfort and adopt freedom. Actually comfort is somewhat a dangerous and biggest element of finances. Our entire middle class society seeks comfort, they always prefer to work less and earn more. But this isn't a way to success. But a wealthy person always seek freedom, he won’t bear any hindrance to his work. Their main focus is freedom to work and get abundance.

2.   Are you relying on single income source?
If you are relying on a single income source that hardly fulfill your needs then this is your biggest mistake on the way to being wealthy. I knew one of my friend’s organization whose employer earn more than £350,000 annually. Accidentally their all projects got badly failed and he was compelled to shut down the organization. Now his single income source was closed and he might feel deprived of everything. So never rely on one income. Try to explore different money sources. Best way is to start up a small scale home base business for side income.

3.   Never trust without proofs:
I have seen many people who were quite closer to me; they helped me once in hard times and spent quality time with me. I trusted them a lot, but at the end when I want them to help me they denied. So how can we trust people so deeply? Well this was my personal example. Let’s take a professional example in which people get deceived by fake lenders who misuse their bank info. If you really want reliable people for loan then you might contact instant payday loan lenders that are authorized and ready to serve your financial needs 24/7. They protect your information by latest SSL encryption methods.

4.   Avoid investing in latest technologies:
 I will never advice you to invest your great income on latest technological projects because these technologies will be displaced with other technologies with the passage of time, and you will end up with great losses. Don’t try to get rick overnight. Try slower ride to reach your destination.

5.   Don’t prefer heavy loans:
I have seen many people who take heavy kind of loans for small renovations. This is not a way to your success. In fact this might indulge you in serious problems when you will not be able to repay the amount in time. I always prefer short term loans for fulfilling small needs. These are reliable enough and always prove helpful in your emergency situation. Actually these are easy to get and easy to repay with little interest rates.
After reading all points, when I closed down the book I asked myself that if I really used these tactics then might be I am not a retired person today..!! :)

Monday, 17 November 2014

How to pick out best business of your own choice

Sometimes choosing a great business is quite complicated undertaking, when you have plethora of unique ideas for small business. But you cannot decide any best one idea to start. Sometimes on one side business deal can provide number of benefits, and on the other side, it provides different disadvantages too. So in this strenuous situation, business owners often find their self in great conflict. So I would advise everyone to consider the solutions deeply and to observe number of factors in decision making process. So I will suggest you to have a look on these ideas for starting the business of your own choice and make your decision making process easy.

Select a business according to your passion:
A business which is selected according to your love and passion can go more successful than others. It’s same like when a child selects his favorite subjects during higher studies, and then he pays more attention and focus in study. Likewise when a business owner selects his favorite business, he pays more resources and discovers further strategies in order to grow it successfully. So I will suggest everyone to discover their own favorite ideas and choices, and then run your business according to it.

Try to choose a business that’s suitable for your lifestyle:
Different businesses have different demands, some ask for more time and budget and some demand very little money at all. But you have to choose that setup which really fits on your life style like if you choose Forex trading, then you have to spend more hours and if you are married then you might not spend quality time with your family which creates some distractions in personal life. So always choose that setup which fits according to your lifestyle and profitable as well.

Build a setup according to your expertise:
Jumping into a new setup in which you are little expert and have no specific experience, can often indulge you in some daunting situation. Best way is to create a setup according to your expertise like if you have a sales career and you think you can work best in it then plan out that kind of setup instead a new one which is hard to establish and run.

Consider start up costs and generate sources:
Business starts up costs are usually high and if you are dreaming to establish a large scale business than you should properly govern the financial sources. But not in case of small scale business which is quite easy to establish in even low budget. So carefully analyze your financial sources and if these are not sufficient enough then do take short term loan from loans knight from £100-£1000 with quite affordable interest rates and believe me when I used the service I found it much better substitute than small business loans or personal loans which expensive and hard to repay.

Review the products under-provided but in demand:

Sometimes due to inflation period, some products often go under-provided and get vanished instantly. So if you want to raise your business status in market then provide those under provided products in extensive amount. In this way you can run your business smoothly and you will get instant recognition in market.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Efficient ideas to survive on a single income

If you are a person living on a single income source like me then I must salute you, because in this cost effective era where economy falls, and people survive on fluctuating income then there would be definitely great difficulties where some people are compelled to live in extreme simple ways. But as you have heard that nothing is impossible in life, so it is also possible to stylize your lifestyle in that way which seems courageous for others and makes a strong example for people. So as I told you before that I am a person living on a single income so I needed to plan out some ideas and strategies for convenient survival.

Always manage some emergency funds in hardships:
If you are living on one income source then you must need to narrow down your needs and prepare yourself for emergency situations. Build some emergency funds from savings and only reserve it for uncertain situation. If you haven’t proper savings then you can rely on some external aid like you can seek help from loans knight through online application form and within few minutes you will find your amount in your account. Mostly people are relying on this opportunity because it is much affordable than other options.

Avoid outside costs by managing the duties:
I have generally observed that when two or three persons work outside for better lifestyle then sometimes they create more troubles for their own self. No one can cook for them, no one is there to wash their clothes and hence they need to hire some person for these roles which is quite expensive for you to pay. So its better idea for one person to stay at home which cook food, wash clothes, can take care of lawn and other domestic tasks. In this way you usually avoid outside costs.

 Single car is good enough to accomplish needs:
Sometimes one couple usually uses two cars for their different work timings. But if one is at home, then other person can just rely on one car. And there will be no need to spend money extra fuel. You can buy grocery or other domestic products at weekends, or if you live some close enough shopping mall or grocery store then you can cover the miles through walk.

Shift to some inexpensive apartment:
If you want to reduce the fuel expenses from your home to office then you can also shift to a less expensive apartment which is nearest to your office. In this way you can reduce many costs, a fuel expenses, high house rents and many others. Small apartment is much easier to organize and it can keep clean in quite efficient ways.

Deeply demonstrate the budget:

 After considering all essential expenses, fully concentrate on your budget that where you need to put no money and where you need to put more. May be you have some credit card payments or some loan repayments which are not easy to handle with one income source. So better idea is to get quick cash online with affordable interest rates because this is the only option is better for you if you are on single income, because you are required to repay the amount whenever you next get paid. So just consider the option and get many beneficiaries. 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

How I handled the situation after losing my wallet in market 

Losing my wallet in a crowded market is one of the devastating experiences of my life. If you have also gone through this situation then you might understand the pain of losing wallet full of cash and credit cards. Actually when you lose your wallet or purse then you not only lose that stuff, but you also lose your hard earned cash, your debit cards, important contact details, credit cards and everything you put inside it. Well, this was bad experience indeed; let’s share the incident with you so that you can get some future guidelines.

I tried to find the wallet but…!!
After buying necessary items from the grocery store, when I put the hand in pocket for paying bill, then I got an extreme shock because there was no money and no wallet at all. I was completely stunned at that time, and then I thought that where I have gone previously, might be I have left it there. So I called at that restaurant but he was my good friend he denied that there is no wallet. Then I thought to provide a little description about my wallet to that grocery store in hope that may be he saw it. But all efforts were going badly in vain.

Is my wallet stolen?
After searching a lot, I finally assumed that my wallet has been stolen. So I immediately reported at police station about the cards stolen. They gave me 24 hours deadline. But I was quite worried that no one will ever return the money. L

How should I pay the bills?
The next daunting task was to pay the bills of items I have bought. I could not leave them, so I thought to borrow money from some person. But then I thought that who will provide money in that situation? My family and friends were living quite faraway, and it was quite embarrassing moment for me, so I simply thought to take payday loans within minutes by simply filling an online application form and can get the amount in short time period. Thanks God I had my check book at that desperate moment so that I easily cashed the amount after sometime.

Immediately report the incident:
After getting financial aid, I immediately reported the incident on all related banks about my credit cards and debit cards stole. Because sometimes it creates troubles for debit card holders if incident get unreported. But credit cards haven’t such strict policies; I thought to apply for a new credit card with that same account.

A memorable lesson:
After recalling the whole incident today, I still get pain of losing that wallet. And one thing I hide from you. Guess what? I have fixed a photo of my finance in the wallet J I don’t know who stole that, but I would request him to please do not misuse my personal items. Well that was a quite memorable lesson for me, and now I check my wallet several times in pocket after heading to the market.